Indie-Clips’ CEO about DareToCloud: Works like a charm!
I have dared-to-cloud (haha) my website on this hosting platform and it has been very efficient for me!
I was looking for a hosting site for to be accessible from anywhere around the world so that my Spanish and Americans subscribers would have no issue logging on to their account. DareToCloud made my website available in the whole world and this is working like a charm for me!
This platform is owned by a team of dedicated web-managers who definitely know what they are doing. They listen to the needs of the client and make sure that you don’t find any issue with using the platform to its best.
With the wave of websites existing nowadays on the internet, we all know how important referencing is.
DareToCloud’s team is dedicated to help you find the right way to reference yourself and make your website stand out. If you use the right key words, your website will appear in people’s searches easily. I have used key words such as “streaming”, “short films” and “independent filmmakers” for my streaming platform, and it has been efficient. People who type these key words into their search engine find me, thanks to DareToCloud’s enhancing. In brief, the referencing that you get after buying DareToCloud’s service is very satisfying and the team is always there to help you out when in need.
Better yet: this hosting platform works perfectly!
The pages of my website are loading faster than before and the interactions on the website such as creating an account, posting a comment or a photo… are very dynamic.
You click, you get it. It’s as simple as that. The reason? DareToCloud’s powerful hosting system. This is an important feature that, unfortunately, all hosting sites do not have!
I have been disappointed in the past with hosting sites that do not work fully and it is a pain to try and fix the problems myself. I am an entrepreneur and not a programmer, after all! So when picking your hosting website, make sure that this hosting site is powerful enough to support your site and all its features. For, which is a website featuring over 50 short films and articles, I really needed an efficient hosting platform like DareToCloud to make sure that my subscribers would not experience bugs and glitches.
As you have probably noticed with all my rambling, I am very satisfied with DareToCloud’s performance in this domain!
So let’s sum this up, because I could chatter about my website and how DareToCloud helped me have a better entrepreneur experience for hours, but you probably don’t want to spend the afternoon reading this!
DareToCloud is communicative, efficient, professional..
The platform not only hosts your website, but it cares about it.
The team of managers will make sure that your website is well-referenced, accessible from around the world and working at its best.
I highly recommend this platform if you are looking for a reliable place to host your website, just like I did with
Their prices are accessible and they are a very good choice for a first-time website creator because of their friendly advice.
I know this platform will host my website for as long as indie-clips will be successful, and I hope that you find success with your own website with the help of DareToCloud.
Article by Ambre Vanneste, creator of